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iam salva stay at Hyderabad, India . My hobby now is writing useful blogs. Iam a post graduate , commerce .working in pvt indurstry.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Some more Natural preventive methods for viral and bacterial infections

Some more natural preventive methods for viral and bacterial infections Here we discuss some of the natural methods available to prevent all kinds of infections. Method1: We know VitaminC helps us to prevent infections and develop immunity against infections. Natually, Vitamin C is available in plenty in lemon. Take 100 ml of purified boiled water . Add two slices of lemon to it. Also add 2 to 3 grams of baking soda to it. Stirr it well and it is ready for consumption. This creates a very good alkaline medium in the stomach so that no harmful virus or bacteria can survive inside the body. Method2. Vegetable Salads are very good for health and create and maintain an alkaline medium in the stomach. These vegetable salads should be taken daily half an hour before breakfast to generate good immunity and alkaline medium in the body. Method 3. Apple cider vinegar also reduces acidity in the body and enhances alkaline medium in the Body, thereby preventing all the viral and bacterial infections. Incidentally, Natural fruit salads without any preservatives is very good for preventing all kinds of infections. Method 4: In India, Fasting periodically is used to clean up the digestive system and in preventing and curing infections. Once when you start fasting, the system’s immunity defence mechanism is on the peak and works well against the microbes and viruses. Method5: In India, Simple Yoga, Asanas , meditation and Pranayama are used for developing immunity to the body. Meditation is a technique, where you close your eyes, stop thinking and concentrating on your Breath. It is said that breath is the bridge between your body and the soul, which is infinite. As you practice Meditation, the cosmic energy enters your body freely and clears all the negative symptoms in the body. Pranayama regulates the breath systematically and provides sufficient fuel for the body and works against all microbes.It is said that some infection enters the body, only when there is some deficiency of prana in some part of the body. Asanas help us in maintaing physical fitness and blood circulation,concentaration etc.

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